“Gangguan Hormonal pada Anak & Remaja dalam Praktek Sehari-hari”
Hot Topics
- Gangguan Hormonal Tiroid pada Anak: Bagaimana Interpretasi Hasil Laboratorium?
- Diagnostic Work Up Kelainan Tiroid Pada Gangguan Tumbuh Kembang
- Stunting: Apa Beda Stunting dan Perawakan Pendek?
- Kurva Pertumbuhan dan Interprestasi Pertumbuhan
- Pemberian Hormon Pertumbuhan: Kapan Harus Dimulai?
- Mengenal Sindrom-Sindrom Dengan Perawakan Pendek
- Diagnosis dan Tatalaksana Hipoglikemia Persisten Pada Bayi Baru Lahir
- Ketoasidosis Diabetikum: Pendekatan Tatalaksana di Sarana Terbatas
- Disorder of Sex Development (DSD): Kegawatan Yang Perlu Diwaspadai
- Legal Aspek Pada Ambigus Genitalia
- Diabetes Tipe 2 Pada Anak : Alur Penanganan Terkini
- Deteksi Dini Gangguan Endokrin Pada Kelainan Kronis
- Gangguan Elektrolit Terkait Kelainan Endokrin
- Defisiensi Vitamin D: Diagnosis dan Tatalaksana
- Gangguan Menstruasi Pada Anak: Kapan Harus Dirujuk ?
- Ginekomastia: Normal atau Berbahaya?
WORKSHOPS , 07 JULI 2019 (Limited Seat)
- Manajemen Ketoasidosis Diabetik
- Diagnosis & Tata Laksana Perawakan Pendek
- Dokter Spesialis Anak & Dokter Umum
- Residen & Mahasiswa
- Dokter Spesialis Kandungan; Bedah Urologi & Patologi Klinis– yang meminati Endokrinologi Anak dan Metabolisme
Prof. Dr. Michael Hermanussen
Profesor dan Dokter Endokrinologi Anak; Pakar Pertumbuhan, Nutrisi dan Adipositas dari Universitas Kiel, Jerman.
This Annual Meeting involves 7 Working Groups and its Task Forces with the spectacular breakthrough scientific concept with fruitful updated clinical practice topics, both intriguing issues and interesting workshops for more intense knowledge.
07 – 08 September 2019
PRE-PIT IKA X Manado & 15th Congress ASPR
Pre-PIT IKA X Workshops
Welcome Dinner
09 – 11 September 2019
PIT IKA X Manado & 15th Congress ASPR
Cultural Fest Gala Dinner
PIT X Manado Fiesta 2019
National Congress of Indonesian Neurological Association (INA) as a four yearly event is almost time to be held again. National Congress is an event for all INA members in Indonesia which include organizational and scientific discussion forum. This event has become a continuous effort to enhance the role of Neurologists in Indonesia in order to succeed the health-care sector.
The influences of globalization are unstoppable for Indonesia along with sophisticated technology advancement, the world is now entering a revolutionary industry 4.0 era, which emphasizes on the digital economy, artificial intelligence, big data, robotic, etc. or known as disruptive innovation phenomena. Facing these challenges, National Congress of INA presents a theme about “The Challenges of Neurology Development in the Fourth Generation Industrial Revolutionary Era”. The industrial revolution experienced its current peak with birth of digital technology that has a massive impact on human life throughout the world.
Unlike the previous industrial revolution, this 4th generation industrial revolution has a wider scale, scope and complexity. New technology advancement that integrates the physical, digital and biological worlds has affected all disciplines, economics, industry and especially in our fields of health-care. The latest industrial revolution or fourth generation industries encourage automation systems in all activities and processes. Are Indonesian neurologists ready to face this change? We will answer during National Congress of INA event which if God willing will be carried out on August 2019.
Colleagues of all PERDOSSI members throughout Indonesia, let’s make National Congress of INA 2019 fruitful and successful seisson by attending, participating and contributing to this event.
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