Bipolar Disorder has been known since the ancient Greece and Rome period, which was in the 17 th
Century. In 18 th century, it began to be observed. In the 19th (1851) century Jean-Pierre Falret stated Bipolar disorder as “la folie circulaire”. and in the 20 century (1921), Kraepelin stated bipolar disorder as “Manic Depressive Insanity and Paranoia” and claimed that bipolar was caused by biological problem. From the 21st century to the present, Bipolar Disorder is sll being researched and need to be explored further.
One of the most challenging problems is to do basic and clinical research, and to socialize it to the community as well. This final aims are to improve services for the community, such as promove, prevenve, early detecon, and opmal management that consist of both psychopharmacotherapy and non-psychopharmacotherapy for those who have been diagnosed as bipolar disorder, besides prevenng the brain deterioraon so that it can reach recovery and opmal funconing in life. Indonesian Psychiatric Associaon (PDSKJI) Bipolar Disorder and other mood disorders chapter is proud to present “THE 3 RD BIPOLAR AND OTHER MOOD DISORDERS SYMPOSIUM IN COLLABORATION WITH THE 2ND NEUROSCIENCE CONGRESS OF THE INDONESIAN NEUROSCIENCE SOCIETY (MNI)”.
The development of neuroscience is very rapid throughout the brain research. Neurosciensts focus on the brain and its implicaons on cognive funcon, the occurring processes, awareness and human behavior, how the nervous system works, including the anatomy, physiology, and pathology of the diseases. Therefore, neuroscience is a muldisciplinary branch, consist of psychiatry, neurology, neurosurgery, and other medicine, psychology, engineering, linguiscs, biochemistry, philosophy, mathemacs, computer science and biotechnology.
Neurosciensts study and examine neurons, their funcons, their structures, their behavior, their development and evoluon, their computaons, molecular and medical aspects that usually being overlapping each other. This is a good condion as long as the sciensts connue to work and focus on each field by paying aenon and maintaining the professional and scienfic ethics respecvely.
In Indonesia, the revival of awareness of the importance of neuroscience was carried out by MNI, a muldisciplinary associaon interested in advancing neuroscience in Indonesia on March 2011 and launching ‘BRAIN DECADE’ with the slogan “FROM NEURON TO NATION”. Therefore a symposium and neuroscience congress were held in conjuncon with the Mood Disorders which had a high prevalence of up to 6% in Indonesia (Riskesdas, 2013). The scienfic theme will be “Mood, Cognion and Neurological Problems: Implemenng Neuroscience Perspecves for Beer Educaon and Society”.
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